Sweets and Sours from Lancaster County's Bird-in-Hand Restaurant

We are fast approaching the mid-way point of the 100 Day Challenge.



So much to do and so little time left.

The good folks at Bird-in-Hand Restaurant have taken a picture of what they have in store for the winner of the 100 Day Challenge. They are offering this prize as a way of supporting the launch of Blush: A Mennonite Girl Meets a Glittering World. I’m thrilled about that. Thank you, Smucker family!

Tomorrow I want you to meet my friend Jim Smucker, a member of the family that owns the restaurant.

How often do you think he hears, “With a name like Smucker, it’s got to be good.”?

And, speaking of food, yesterday I was honored to have an excerpt from my book called “The Box Social” published in the food issue at the Center for Mennonite Writing. Did you ever go to a box social? Would love to hear how your experience compared with mine below.

Time to go to lunch. All this food is making me hungry!

58 Days Until Blush Launches

My New Beginning today? To develop a launch team plan. I’ll be telling you more about it in future posts.

Want to win that luscious sweet and sour food group above (including an entire wet bottom shoofly pie), enter your own New Beginning here.



Shirley Showalter


  1. Carol Bodensteiner on July 17, 2013 at 9:08 am

    My mouth is watering, Shirley! I’ve been through Bird In Hand. A lovely community.

    • jcarter on July 17, 2013 at 10:08 am

      Then you know the lovely names of those little towns side-by-side: Paradise, Intercourse, Blue Ball. Maybe you heard a joke about the names??

      Anyway, so glad you have a reference point for Bird-in-Hand. And I imagine that you might recognize at least some of these foods from your own Iowa farm tradition.

  2. shirleyhs on July 17, 2013 at 10:11 am

    Hi, Carol. If you’ve been to Lancaster County, you know the lovely names of those little towns side-by-side: Paradise, Intercourse, Blue Ball. Maybe you heard a joke about the names??

    Anyway, so glad you have a reference point for Bird-in-Hand. And I imagine that you might recognize at least some of these foods from your own Iowa farm tradition.

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