Magical Memoir Moments

Black is Universal: E. Ethelbert Miller Radio Interview on Speaking of Faith

E. Ethelbert Miller spoke to Krista Tippett recently on her American Public Media program “Speaking of Faith.”  Tippett described the conversation as a “jazz riff,” and I think you will agree that Miller, who is poet, spiritual seeker, memoirist, and director of the Afro-American Resource Center at Howard University, weaves together a beautiful cloth melody…


Five Google SB Memoir Ad Parodies–Which One is Best and Why?

It had to happen. Since the Google Super Bowl Ad was creative, popular, and infinitely repeatable, we had to start seeing parodies of it. But so soon? Three days after the Super Bowl, five parodies, from light to dark in tone, have reached Mashable! You can watch them here! Google must be bursting with pride, since…


24 Memoirs in 28 Days: Check These Out as We Build the Top 100!

For those of you searching the web for “top memoir” reading lists, here is a new resource. Angela  Kelsey, a Twitter friend, is challenging  herself to review 24 memoirs in the next 28 days. She has reached Day 4 already, and the quality of both the books and reviews will reward your reading effort. Check out…


Google Ad as Memoir: Fabulous!!

For me, this ad was the best part of the Super Bowl! What did you think?


Listen to Six-Word Memoirs on NPR

Want to hear people from all over the country call in their life stories in six words? It’s a pretty good way to spend 17 minutes! Just click here.


Mary Karr and Augustine: Spiritual Autobiography in the 21st Century

Edward Short’s review of Mary Karr’s Lit (which I also reviewed here), contains a few paragraphs very relevant to all memoir writers. I invite you to read the complete review here. Short’s insights are brilliant. Here are the four most relevant paragraphs to our concerns as we seek to understand the power of memoir to go…


Tell Your Travel Story–Win a $3,000 Vacation

Can you tell a great story in 450 characters- just about three Tweets? If you entered the six-word memoir contest a few weeks ago, you should be in good shape to try this new contest from GoAhead Tours. They will give away 20 trips to lucky (and skillful!) players, so why not give it a try?…


Chicken Soup for the Soul: A Potential Source for Memoir Writers

My friend Lanie Tankard discovered today that one of the stories she had published in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series has now been digitized by Google.  I recommend that you open this link and read “Rite of Passage,” her description of parting with her daughter on the one hand and mother on the…


Memoir Contest: Seven Hours Left!

Sorry that I just learned about this contest today. But if you have a memoir manuscript ready to go, it won’t matter.  All you have to do is follow the guidelines at this Guide to Literary Agents website. Good luck!


Huston Smith's Tales of Wonder: Adventures Chasing the Divine–A Review

If you want to spring out of bed tomorrow morning, saying, “Good!” I suggest you read this book the night before. And if you want a role model for how to age with zest and enthusiasm, even to the extent of looking forward to death as the last great adventure, Huston Smith is your man….