Triumph of the Will Then and Now

You have seen the images. A man stands elevated at a podium in the midst of a vast field. An enormous crowd packed into the field roars with one voice and salutes in unison — “Heil, Hitler!” Soldiers in knee-length black leather boots goose-step through the streets. Those pictures from the 1930s and 1940s are very familiar to me and other baby boomers who grew up in America in the 1950s and 1960s just after Hitler’s defeat by the Allies in WWII. Back then, the Nazis represented the worst evil imaginable.

What I did not know back then was that we came close to having fascism in America at the same time Hitler was preparing to invade Poland. The date was February 20, 1939. The place was Madison Square Garden. The film below was made of actual footage taken of the event and was nominated for an academy award in 2019 after having been discovered in 2017. 

When America entered the war December 7, 1941, the American Nazi party was no longer strong. The leader who spoke at the 1939 German American Bund rally above, Gerhard Wilhelm Kunze, was indicted for embezzlement and deported. But the fact that 20,000 starry-eyed, brown shirted Americans attended this rally two years earlier and used the Nazi salute the same way Germans did illustrates that fascist ideas — white supremacy, a distorted view of American history and American heroes, and fascination with a single leader — can grow in American soil.

I was aware of this history when Stuart and I visited Nuremberg, Germany, last August. We visited Zeppelin Field, named for the landing of a Zeppelin in 1909 and used as a sports arena until the National Socialists took “the meadow” over for rallies in 1934-1936. Using the plan by Albert Speers, the Nazis built a huge grandstand featuring the “Fuhrer’s Rostrum.” Mass events staged here attracted up to 200,000 people.

The "Fuhrer's Rostrum" stands in the middle of this complex today.

The “Fuhrer’s Rostrum” stands in the middle of this complex today. Not quite a ruin, and yet not nearly as imposing as it was in the 1930s.


Photo of one of the rallies held 1935-36.

Photo of one of the rallies.


From the Fuhrer's perspective.

From the Fuhrer’s perspective.

Standing on Zeppelin Field was an emotional experience for me. If I had been born in Germany in the 1920s, would I have been part of the adoring crowd? It would have taken great courage, and deep wisdom, to withstand the irresistible force of Nazi propaganda. In 1934 a Nazi Party Congress was held in Nuremberg, much of it on Zeppelin Field. The primary purpose of this congress was to give director Leni Riefenstahl a canvas on which to paint a film, Triumph of the Will. When we came home from our trip, we watched the film and saw how skillfully the evil of a totalitarian regime can be disguised as good, aided by the desire to submit to an all-powerful leader.

I highly recommend watching the short video below if you have an interest in how propaganda works.

What about today? I think every American should learn as much about fascism as possible. Two historians I trust on this subject are Heather Cox Richardson and Timothy Snyder.

The greatest defenses against fascism are faith, hope, and love. 

And the greatest of these is love.

In a time of increased polarization, what are you doing to regulate your fears? Where do you find hope? What words do you have faith in? How do you express your love?

Shirley Showalter


  1. Elfrieda Neufeld Schroeder on October 25, 2024 at 6:27 pm

    Thanks, Shirley for this blog post. People who have not lived through the horrors of WWI and WWII cannot realize the effect someone with a desire for power and control has on people, because they haven’t experienced it. These dictators are popping up again, and people are mesmerized! Our democracy is in grave danger! We need to be vigilant and do everything in our power to stop this evil!

    • Shirley Showalter on October 25, 2024 at 7:57 pm

      Thank you, Elfrieda, for sharing your deep convictions. I would love to hear about how your family’s experiences before, during, and after WWII give you a perspective on what’s happening now. What kinds of things are within our power?

  2. Elfrieda Neufeld Schroeder on October 25, 2024 at 11:11 pm

    Shirley, I just have to think of people like Dietrich Bonhoeffer who realized the immense danger of a Hitler regime and gave up his life trying to stop it. We cannot afford to throw up our hands and do nothing when our democracy is threatened! Our family and loved ones were refugees for four years, then spent another five years in wilderness conditions in Paraguay as a result of anarchy. This is happening today in Ukraine as well. People do not seem to realize how quickly this can happen! God have mercy!

    • Shirley Showalter on October 26, 2024 at 9:46 am

      God have mercy, indeed. I am glad you mentioned Bonhoeffer. His family and historians who have studied his life and works are quite concerned that Bonhoeffer’s biography has been distorted by author Eric Metaxas. Angel Studios has produced a new movie about Bonhoeffer based on the the Metaxas argument. I have not yet familiarized myself with how he distorts, but I do know that it fits the framework of Christian nationalism, a term Metaxas rejects.

      Bonhoeffer joins George Washington (In the first video above), William Penn (a hero to Christian nationalist Abby Abildness for distorted historical reasons) and probably a host of others as examples of how the most important facts about a person’s courageous life can be used to argue for the very ideas they would no doubt find reprehensible today.

  3. Richard Gilbert on October 26, 2024 at 8:20 am

    Beautiful, Shirley. What times, then and now.

    I’m praying, voting, and re-reading Annie Dillard. But the most important of these is voting!

    • Shirley Showalter on October 26, 2024 at 9:50 am

      I’m praying and voting too, Richard. And right now Stuart and I are about to spend Saturday morning #5 knocking on doors in our town. I love the idea of rereading Annie Dillard as an anti-depressant too.

  4. Marian Beaman on October 26, 2024 at 10:35 am

    Shirley, I have lived through many election cycles and have voted always. And after the choice is made, I have prayed for the leader elected, whether Democrat or Republican. Lately it was Biden, but I will pray for whoever comes next. I do believe social media has contributed to the increased polarization and frenzy we notice these days.

    You ask, “What words do you have faith in?” The words of Psalm 33:12 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.” And these hopeful words also: “And now abideth faith, hope, and charity, these three, but the greatest of these is charity.”

    • Shirley Showalter on October 26, 2024 at 2:10 pm

      Marian, you have an admirable ability to support our duly elected leaders with your prayers. I try to do the same. I admit it is sometimes harder to do than others. I find courage in your favorite scriptures also. They lift our vision above the next terrible headline. I have two verses on my computer right now. Romans 8:28 (N.T. Wright translation) “God works all thing toward ultimate good with and through those who love him.” And Colossians 1:16-17. “For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things and in him all things hold together.”

  5. Laurie Buchanan on October 26, 2024 at 11:13 am

    Shirley — Len and I made our voices heard by voting in person on the first day it was available in our state. We’re also committed to being intentional beacons, radiating positive, uplifting, constructive, and healing energy, and cultivating peace, love, joy, and calm—grace.

    • Shirley Showalter on October 26, 2024 at 2:13 pm

      Wonderful, Laurie. Glad you have voted. We did too. By mail for the first time. I am sure that both of you to radiate positivity and constructive calm. I have seen it online and in person! Bless you.

  6. Dolores Nice-Siegenthaler on October 26, 2024 at 7:15 pm

    Interesting how fear and fascism feed each other.
    Thank you for this timely post Shirley.

    • Shirley Showalter on October 26, 2024 at 8:50 pm

      Yes. And fear is an emotion that affects both followers and dissenters in a totalitarian state — in different ways. In the film Triumph of the Will, Riefenstahl took great care to depict “ordinary” people with nearly ecstatically happy expressions on their faces as they watched the soldiers parade or gazed up at their fuhrer. So joining the movement was a way to find meaning and set fear aside. On the other hand, if you were part of the resistance, you had to be eternally vigilant, knowing that death was the penalty you were risking.

  7. Martha Graham-Waldon on October 28, 2024 at 12:47 am

    So frightening! Hopefully this will not come to pass here if we all can unite behind Kamala Harris to defeat Donald Trump.

  8. Linda Gartz on October 28, 2024 at 5:05 pm

    Not to beat around the bush on this topic, Heather Cox Richardson, American Historian, writer of “Letters from an American,” has made a direct connection between Trump’s “fascist rally” (her words) in Madison Square Gardens and the same location for a Nazi rally Feb. 20, 1939 in her post today. I just dropped off my ballot today. We need to do whatever we can to prevent a takeover by a narcissistic fascist, whose Supreme Court justices picks have condemned several women to death already (with many more to come or who will never be able to bear children again) with their decision to overturn Roe v Wade.

    We are truly teetering on the brink. Please vote asap.

    • Shirley Showalter on October 28, 2024 at 7:52 pm

      Yes, everyone, vote! And subscribe to Heater Cox Richardson’s newsletter. Link in the text above.

      I voted several weeks ago, Linda, here in this crucial swing state of Pennsylvania. And I’ve been knocking on doors since mid October..

      When I read that Trump was going to Madison Square Garden, I knew that there would be direct and indirect connections between the event in 1939 and the event last night. I am sickened, and, yes, this is fascism.

  9. Tina Barbour on October 28, 2024 at 6:39 pm

    Thank you for your wise words, Shirley. I watched only snippets of yesterday’s rally at MSG, and I have felt sick of spirit ever since. I didn’t think I could still be surprised by anything Trump and his followers could do, but those snippets surprised me in a horrifying way, I am worried and stressed about this election and the aftermath. I voted early last week 💙 and have encouraged young people in my small orbit to vote. I have donated, shared news, and plan to do text banking this week. My Harris sign was stolen from our yard last week, but I put out another one yesterday. I’m not going to be silent about the dangers to our democracy and freedoms. I want our country to be one where we ALL have the opportunity to thrive and no one is left behind. I’m looking for ways to calm down my anxiety and anger, but it is hard.

    • Tina Barbour on October 28, 2024 at 6:41 pm

      Oh, and I can’t tell you how very comforting and inspiring Heather Cox Richardson has been for me these last several years.

  10. Shirley Showalter on October 28, 2024 at 7:55 pm

    I’m so glad you have found Heather Cox Richardson, Tina. She is so wise and level-headed and totally steeped in the history of our country. Thank you for all you have done to show your love for your country and democracy,

    We will hold each other no matter what happens in the next week.

  11. Maren Tirabassi on October 29, 2024 at 6:24 am

    Thank you.

    • Shirley Showalter on October 29, 2024 at 12:44 pm

      Thank you too, Maren.

  12. Dora Dueck on October 30, 2024 at 11:53 am

    Thank you for this reminder, Shirley and agree with your observations. I’ve visited Nuremberg and have watched Riefenstahl’s work. Quite some years ago I was on a Anne Morrow Lindbergh “kick” and read her books of diaries and letters. I recall sensing an underlying un-ease in her in that period when her husband was so active in the America First movement (can’t recall if he was involved with the 1939 MSG event), how she tried to support and explain, etc., almost against her better judgment it seemed. Not sure what I’m trying to say, except that it can be hard to stand against the opinions of those around us. Praying for courage for the American electorate, as we in Canada watch.

    • Shirley Showalter on October 30, 2024 at 12:58 pm

      Thanks for these observations, Dora. I remember reading Gift From the Sea many years ago and even used this quote as the theme for the continuing education program I instituted at Goshen College soon after I arrived: “The patterns of our lives are essentially circular.” That idea, of course, is even more true in my life now than it was then. I have often wondered how a writer as spiritually focused as AML could stand by as her husband led others to such extreme ideas and actions.

  13. Delmer B. Martin on November 29, 2024 at 3:33 am

    Dear Ms. Showalter: Shirley
    Just delmer B. Martin from Mennonite County-Waterloo County Ontario CANADA (all my ancestors are from Weaverland Pennsylvania and I love that area because of all the good people that are still there today – holding the line as best they can) I hope you might recall the blunt discussion we had about Hillary Clinton back in 2015 and what my prediction was. I remember you were very gracious with my firm and feisty negative opinion of the Clinton Facts and especially Hillary. I did stick up for Trumps past personal because i know how flawed and unimportant i am in the big picture! “The Truth will make us free” then and it will do exactly the same nowadays. This letter is for you and your loved ones and anyone that may read your great blog and really care about the USA . Our good county of Canada is also in great peril and even though we have not had our Federal election just yet I am completely convinced our current Prime Minister TRUDEAU and all his key politicians and in fact his whole Liberal Party will be completely defeated in the upcoming polls. The more conservative common sense people in CANADA have actually been provoked and attacked by this Liberal Government and the other municipal governments that are under their control or influence. Our prime minister for the last 9 years has used unproven (to the majority of voters) Liberal -socialist agenda’s and angry public statements that are purely divisive for all Canadians purposely and deliberately causing great divisions, and still does so even though he knows he has lost the battle for our hearts AND Minds a long time ago. The Liberals have divided our Dear CANADA to stay in power. They simply would not let us live in peace and freedom and be free from Government overreach and domination to our loss. Our county will not allow socialist rule either and that is exactly why our next election will be a landslide victory. We the citizens of Canada got scammed too and it will take us 10 years to correct the BIG MISTAKE. The current Liberal Party of Canada under Trudeau does not focus on the real problems and they care little about the TRUTH. In fact the few times these modern Liberals in both our beloved countries or “________” ) only care about the TRUTH the very few times it is on their side. I confess all sides of modern day politics and all powerful people have issues/serious problems but I intently and studiously with an analytic mind and discerning spirit , listen and read intently to massive amount of so called facts coming from both sides and yes even the extreme positions from both Republican and Democrat parties and even the main independents. It is obvious to me that the Democrat Party lost the whole election because ever since they were given the mandate during Covi they have doubled down on all the nonsense and noise that they were thrown out because of it all! Covi and the covi power grabs exasperated and hurt the people and the economy of USA and Canada and many politicians just panicked or went along to get along and the result is devastating. Your Democrat Party has been controlled by people who do not have the United States FIRST and who have allowed the loudest minority to take over the majority in their own party. The perfect Example is none other than Mr Biden and Ms Harris as leaders. Biden was far from being the Democrats best person to led the county in 2020. The party had many many superior people who could do way better than either of those 2 If you are a Democrat you must acknowledge that too much time and resources was invested going after the “bad orange haired guy” personally rather than ensuring they had their own so called Democratic house in order. shame, Shame SHAME! fail, Fail FAIL! The TRUTH has been out there for all the public to witness just viewing their words coming out of their own fruition. Then to top it all off The Democrats are so far gone/corrupt they did not even have a real convention with real choices for their own party members and the dear citizens they claim to represent. Either party could have made this mistake, if all they wanted was pure power at any cost. Trump could have done it when he was first in power even without the Senate. Have you ever noticed how at the highest levels no matter who is the president the Republicans will more often vote their conscience against their own leadership in the house and the senate whereas the Democratic do NOT do this hardly ever! It is easy to see who the most desperate and depraved people on both sides of the isle if you track their voting record. Canada has evolved into a 4 party ruling system (where a minority can make ties with another party after a Federal election and maintain power for long extended periods and trust me us Canadians have also been beaten down real bad by corruption in politics AND our Economic Debt and Inflation. The difference here (and in USA) is when one presents TRUTH to the Conservative Party they listen as compared to when one presents TRUTH to The Liberals in Canada /Democrat in USA, they refuse to listen and thus their reasoning is fatally flawed and is a dis-service to all its citizens and taxpayers. Right now i feel sorry for all the good Democrats and Republicans in USA because the Democrats Ruling persons in the last 4 years have ruined the United States Of America. They spent too much time trying to win control and not remotely enough time or resources caring for the good citizens of USA. The good news is I believe the Good Democratic Voters have already learned their lesson or will figure out the TRUTH about matters and expect so much better from their leaders whoever they happen to be. This election will help repair the state of all the citizens of the USA because now weaknesses and fatal flaws are being exposed on both sides and the Democrats will hopefully also begin to focus on America First-Not Last instead of just voting to win an election. Lets put it personally, both Trump and Biden are aware that they will pass away from old age, its what they did with THE TRUTH about matters that counts after! My question always is who cares the most? who is willing to personally and officially be a genuine servant-leader for all the citizens. All USA citizens, must push for peace and NOT war. (especially with the worlds nuclear leading superpower) I admire any leader and yes even Trump who tries to be County and Constitution First and STANDS THE GROUND on most all issues promoting Freedom and Liberty and success for all! rather than pandering to any small minority that does not have the truth but only loud voices. Elections come and go regularly but we must also focus on all the high-paid public servants “The bureaucrat’s” who run things longterm who are VERY HARD to change. We in Canada have the same deceived, unrealistic; socialist, marxist, Fabian, communist, or whatever label of deception comes from that anti-Christ way of thinking. At the same time we have top level elitest’s who already have almost all the worlds major assets, but are not content, they are nowadays hellbent on being in control of this earth. “Facts are stubborn things” but ultimately as the Bible stipulates “the truth will make you free” John 8:32 There is hope for everyone who loves THE TRUTH and accepts the facts from Democrats and Republicans and Independent’s. Many Christians including peace loving Mennonites forget what JESUS did AND said in the “Temple Court”! BOTTOM LINE: There is very real Spiritual War going on in the whole world for “our individual” hearts and minds, no matter which temporal side or political side we are on.
    May God Bless Us ALL and Protect Us from evil! ALL EVIL
    from Delmer B. Martin RR#4 ELMIRA Ontario CANADA

  14. Shirley Showalter on November 29, 2024 at 9:15 pm

    Hello, Delmar. Welcome back to the blog. I recently spent a week in Ontario and enjoyed it very much. I tried to learn as much as I could about the Pennsylvania-Ontario connection which goes back over 200 years to another time of great turmoil in the world. I admire the Americans who went to Canada and the courage and wisdom it took to migrate again after they had found a new home in America.

    I notice you respond when to this blog when the topic is politics. 🙂

    Once again, we see the world very differently. I won’t say more than I have already said above. I appreciate your willingness to share your thought process and the conclusions you have reached. I believe we read different sources. In the spirit of Thanksgiving and the anticipation of Advent and Christmas, I send a prayer asking for peace, good will, and understanding.

  15. Delmer B. Martin on February 6, 2025 at 1:04 pm

    Oh yes the Rev War era and the the war of 1812 caused some real issues for the States Mennonites and the Canadian Mennonites anywhere close to the border in 1812-1815 because on both sides they wanted to be completely uninvolved in any military activity , offensively or defensively . Royalty and Kings/Queens and Princes would often give Mennonites and Amish and Quaker citizens the legal right to be neutral but other forms and branches of government would have preferred to force them to pick a side and fight. Both scenarios have their pros and cons.

    Also from another angle my Martin ancestral family had 17 children in the old Weaverland Community and since 2 older brothers had already taken over the original 16th Century Martin Homestead farm which had been split into 2 farms Peter Martin gave up his potential on the home farm in WEAVERLAND PA. and immigrated to Canada where at the time farmland was less expensive. And eventually they were able to assist all of their cilren in Canada to get their own pioneer farmlands. It is also possible in addition that Peter Martin had been disciplined by his father for an indiscretion/mistake. Peter’s father Henry Martin was the Bishop of all the Groffdale area Mennonite Congregations and the Weaverland Mennonite congregations (The Lancaster Mennonite Conference). And Bishop Henry Martin was noted in our historical writings to have been a very strict to the faith Bishop even with his own son”

    I do not actually like politics, (because none are nearly perfect enough) but am a longterm warrior for THE TRUTH and since I was nor baptized or member of the Old Order Mennonites I am allowed to speak out and take action on my own hearts convictions publicly. With regards to my info and position re politics i assure you I read and listen to both left and right position’s as well as main stream media and top social media influencers on both sides and then I use discernment to determine the TRUTH (after spiritual testing) Before deciding any truth I always want to hear the oppositions best arguments. Canada and USA is in very rough shape and leadership have failed and made it even worst. The TRUTH will make us free. THE TRUTH in all matters has so much more power than temporal winners.

    From Delmer B. Martin RR#4 ELMIRA, Ontario CANADA

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