Magical Memoir Moments

Miranda, Mary Ann, and FriendStory: Bittersweet Childhood Memoir

We met in Brooklyn. She had written two novels. I was writing my first memoir. She lived with her family close to Fort Greene, where we were living in a high rise apartment, taking care of our grandson in another high rise close by. Our meeting was mostly online. But we did have one lovely…


My Cousin, My Friend: How Memoir Photos Connect Us

If I had to pick the best friend of my childhood, the winner would have to be my cousin Mary Ann. She appears in both photos and stories in Blush: A Mennonite Girl Meets a Glittering World. She’s there in the very beginning of my life, having preceded me in life by nine months, a…


A Memoir Writer's Self-Publishing Success Story: An Interview with Mary-Ann Kirkby

Mary-Ann Kirkby, who grew up in a Canadian Hutterite colony until the age of ten, and whose memoir has been a publishing sensation in Canada, has kindly agreed to answer some questions. I chose her publishing story as the focus of my questions, and Mary-Ann gave generous answers that may surprise you. How did she…