Magical Memoir Moments

How Writing Helps Us Peel Back Meaning and Purpose One Layer at a Time

My publisher, Herald Press, asked me to do a guest blog on their MennoBytes site. Having written lots of guest posts, I decided to answer a different question, one I get a lot when I talk to groups about my memoir Blush: A Mennonite Girl Meets a Glittering World “How does this childhood story relate…


Thriving in Leadership: One of the Best Ways Ever to Write a Book

Since leadership is not the subject of this blog, I haven’t told you yet about a great leadership book writing project I’ve been part of. Now, however, the book is being published, so I want to focus on a part of the experience that is relevant to this blog — the writing process. Like all…


My First Podcast: On Dancing with Change, Grandmothering, and Leadership!

Brian Paff, a very creative young leader-in-the-making at Laurelville Mennonite Church Center, interviewed me for his podcast series at the Laurelville website. Brian wrote a press release about the series of three speeches I gave at Laurelville April 30-May 1. The theme was dancing with change, and Stuart and I demonstrated the “frame” in ballroom…


Max DePree, Leader, Mentor, Memoirist

A few weeks ago, my husband Stuart and I traveled to the “west coast” of Michigan, first to Saugatuck, where we had a lovely visit on a rainy day to the Wickwood Inn, and then to Holland, where Stuart explored the downtown and I visited Max DePree, the man who has been my mentor for…