Magical Memoir Moments
Catherine R. Mumaw: A Different Kind of Mother's Day Tribute
Who mothered you in addition to or instead of or beside your biological mother? As we celebrate mothers this Sunday, I invite you to answer this question. For me, there were many such women. Women in my family; Mary Lauver, our pastor’s wife and a leader in her own right, and many others in my…
My First Podcast: On Dancing with Change, Grandmothering, and Leadership!
Brian Paff, a very creative young leader-in-the-making at Laurelville Mennonite Church Center, interviewed me for his podcast series at the Laurelville website. Brian wrote a press release about the series of three speeches I gave at Laurelville April 30-May 1. The theme was dancing with change, and Stuart and I demonstrated the “frame” in ballroom…