Magical Memoir Moments

A Powerful Stimulant to Memoir: Crayola Memories Past and Future

A new box of Crayolas — is anything more beautiful? Those perfect points. The swoon-inducing fragrance! When I was a child, I craved the box of 64 I saw inside the desk of one of my first-grade friends. I loved the varied hues and the strange names: vermillion, burnt umber, magenta. I got one or…


Wholeheartedness: The Way to Make a New Beginning

Yesterday we talked about Brene Brown’s TED talk on vulnerability. Her word for the people who have embraced vulnerability with courage, is “wholeheartedness.” I hope your New Beginnings give you greater, and more whole, heart. If you need a little extra heart today, just take a look at my grandson Owen on this picture. He’s…


Beginner’s Mind: How New Beginnings Lead to Growth Through Grace

  The birth of a baby reminds us of how fragile and malleable the human mind and spirit are. We can only stand in awe as a baby opens her eyes and eventually finds her fingers and toes. Soon she is smiling and reaching for toys. This same transformation takes place thousands if not millions…