Magical Memoir Moments

Every Day Is All There Is: Defining a Good Day

Have you ever found yourself thinking about a subject and then discovered that lots of other people are doing the same? For me that topic is: what is a good day? Joan Didion’s words “Every day is all there is” came into my life via my daughter Kate’s business partner, Emily Levenson. She’s the one…


A Good Day–Even When Not All of It Is Good

Dr. Joel Elkes, whose 95th birthday was celebrated in a previous post, believes that a good life is built one good day at a time.  As a pioneer in the field of psychopharmacology, he might be expected to focus on drugs that help us cope with life’s challenges.  However, he is much more interested in…


Do You Know Your Own Geology?

Today one of my colleagues at the Fetzer Institute, Dr. Joel Elkes, celebrates his 95th birthday.  No, that is not a typo.  He was born in 1913, lived through two World Wars and a century of struggle.  He was a student in England in the 30’s and 40’s and thus escaped the Holocaust, though many…