Magical Memoir Moments

The Shenandoah Valley last Spring

Entering Lent and Leaving Social Media Behind: Welcoming a More Passive Life

What do you get when you cross Lent with Sabbath? I’m about to find out. The last four years of moving to Virginia, living in Brooklyn as a “granny nanny,” writing a book, and traveling, have been wonderful. You might call this period of time The Active Life. This style of living has been a…


What's the Best Way to do a Book Tour? A Hybrid Approach Between Virtual and "Live"

Book tours have gotten a bad rap lately. Publishers seldom sponsor them except for their A-list authors in A-list venues in large cities. In fact, back in 2011 Anne R. Allen advised authors to celebrate their demise in a post titled  RIP the Author Book Tour.  She preferred BLOG tours and social media, which, three…


Family Aphorisms: A Memoir Legacy of Advice

Did you cotton to the advice of Ma and Pa in your youth? Or did you roll your eyes? One source of memoir in almost every life consists of the aphorisms — the boiled down wisdom or witticism — passed on by previous generations. The pattern of youth is to disdain these. The pattern of…


A Twitter Post-Script: How Online Can Lead to Offline Memoir Connections

Just have to share a lovely experience because it continues the conversation about social media and “real” writing that began with this post about social media and continued when Kathy Pooler did a guest post about Twitter here last week. As I write my own memoir, I am learning to know many authors who have…


Cheryl Strayed's Wild Reviewed by Her Mentor Paulette Bates Alden

Have you ever been named in the acknowledgment section of a book? If so, you know how thrilled and tender you can feel. How about being named in the hottest memoir of the season? That’s what happened to my guest today, Paulette Bates Alden, who was lucky enough to have Cheryl Strayed as a student…


How to Balance Writing with Facebook, Blogging, and Twitter

While I draft memoir chapters about growing up Mennonite, I am also writing to you, the friends of this blog, and to others on my facebook page and twitter feed. Is it worth it to spend my time this way? Sometimes I wonder. A few weeks ago, I was asked by a friend of this…


Three Simple Steps to Begin the Memoir Journey

In case you think you’re not up to the challenge of writing, here’s an excellent way to begin. You won’t believe where Laurie Gray started. Three Simple Steps by Laurie Gray Write You’re working on your memoir, but most of your writing so far has been through journaling. Find opportunities to write and publish short…


Selling Serenity: More Dancing with Change

I promised my Facebook friends that I would tell the story of how we sold our Kalamazoo, MI, house (named Serenity) after the closing last Thursday, Feb. 10, 2011. So why not share the saga with the readers of also? The buying and selling of real estate in the current market is not for the…


Does Facebook Cause Vanity? A Memoir Dilemma

One of my Facebook friends, Karin Larson Krisetya, a former Goshen College student now a graduate student and young mother living in Indonesia, recently noted wryly that she had search through 63 photos before finding one good enough for her profile. She wonders if Facebook causes vanity. Here’s her explanation to her friends about trying…


Facebook and Memoir: 25 Things About Me

Every day some new memoir breeze seems to sweep through our culture–or so it seems when the memoir windsock is in place.  I have already commented on the six-word memoir, on memoir in the political campaign, and memoir controversies (see categories on the right-hand side of this entry).  Now there is the 25 Things About…