Magical Memoir Moments

From the Underworld to the Woodcarver: The Power of Changed Metaphor

When I’m visiting the underworld and the way seems long and dark, I need a new metaphor. The wisdom of Parker Palmer often helps me.  As I struggled with mountains of memorabilia in the cellar last week, searching for inspiration while mildew and mold wafted in the air, I was thinking of Persephone, Demeter, Orpheus,…


Seven Creative Skills You Need to Master in Order to Reinvent Your Life

What do Pablo Picasso, Mary Cassatt, Rembrandt, and your favorite memoir writer have in common? A lot more than you might think. The book below will teach you not only to recognize patterns in the lives of great artists but to become a great artist yourself–a “life change artist.” Becoming a Life-Change Artist: 7 Creative…