Magical Memoir Moments
Composing a Life: Counterpoint in Memoir
If you missed Fine Arts 101, read Lanie Tankard’s review below and click on all the links. You will enjoy the ride–especially since a lot of those links take you to countries and cities in Europe. Lanie is heading off to Singapore soon. We’re all lucky she squeezed this fine review of an excellent memoir…
Why Are We Here? Roger Ebert's 100 Answers to that Question in Films
Scroll slowly over this picture. Do you recognize the famous film critic Roger Ebert? I knew that Ebert had battled cancer, lost weight, and kept on going. What I did not know, until I saw that picture and read the article in Esquire about him, was that he has also lost his physical voice and most of…
The Middle Place and How to Sleep Alone in a Twin-Sized Bed: Humor and Pathos Together
Remember when I met the woman from Wells Fargo bank on a plane going from Minneapolis to San Francisco? Remember that she told me about Kelly Corrigan and a must-read memoir called The Middle Place? Well, I finally read the book. I have to agree with my seatmate– Kelly Corrigan can write and she knows…