Magical Memoir Moments

The shirt reads, "When you are an excellent grandma, you get promoted to Great Grandma.

A Pennsylvania Christmas: A Living Example of Jubilación

On the way east from Collegeville, Minnesota, the last stop we made before turning south was at Landis Homes, the retirement community where my mother lives. There 40 descendants of Richard and Barbara Ann Hess Hershey gathered to celebrate Christmas. In the middle of our circle sat the grande dame, the matriarch, the dowager empress….

Apartment #7 facing Stumpf Lake.

The Sweet Sorrow of Saying Goodbye to Collegeville

What a week this has been! We had our last worship services, our last seminar and wine and cheese after party, and now the packing. This afternoon, in zero degree temperatures, my camera said good-bye to my dear cottage by the lake. Last night we celebrated Christmas lavishly. Each scholar contributed the three elements of…


Vocation: How Do We Listen for a Joyful Calling at Any Age?

Vocation, or calling, gives purpose to life. The questions that help us listen for who we are and what God wants for us are remarkably similar at any age. My young colleague Jess reminded me of this truth this week.

I see it!

From the Candy Cane Tree in Virginia to the Great Hall Tree in Minnesota

Once upon a time, a family set out in search of a tree. They had never heard of a Candy Cane Tree before.   After finding the Candy Canes, they searched for a tree they could take home. Thanks, Ostlund Christmas Tree Farm, for a great adventure. When Grandma returned to Minnesota, she got to…

“Madonna with Child,” the work of the distinguished artist, Alexander Tylevich. Photo by Aelred Senna, OSB

Waiting: As the Children Journey Home

Tonight in the quiet, I wait for children and grandchildren. I imagine God to be waiting for us also.

Super moon by Rebecca Breems

Hope and Perseverance in Post-Election America

It’s been harder than usual to focus on words this past week. As I searched for words, I also walked, reviewing and reflecting upon the sights and sounds in my world since the election. Sights   Sounds For several weeks, I have looked forward to seeing Krista Tippett and Courtney Martin again, two friends I…

The still waters of Stumpf Lake.

Beside the Still Waters and The Liturgy of the Hours

The still waters of Psalm 23 remind me of what Wendell Berry calls “the peace of wild things” on this morning after the election. So does the stable practice of the Benedictine Liturgy of the Hours and my own tradition of radical dissent from the powers and principalities. Singing and walking help too.

Now and Later candies. Wikipedia.

Rethinking Middle Age in Community and Envisioning Older Age as Ascent

Yesterday fall sunshine suffused our conference room at the Collegeville Institute. I was “on deck” as the first scholar to present my findings and receive feedback on my project: Jubilación: Vocation in the Third Act of Life. Having colleagues, a community of scholars who challenge and encourage you, is a gift at any stage in…

This photo, taken at the Sir Edmund HILLARY Museum at Mt. Cook, New Zealand, last February, was the germ of the idea to write a letter to Hillary.

Waking Up to the News In Lake Wobegon and What I’m Learning About Op-Eds: the Backstory

Today is Hillary Clinton’s 69th birthday. I’ve been thinking about writing a letter to her ever since last February when I visited the Sir Edmund Hillary Museum in New Zealand. I tell the backstory of how I published an Op-Ed about her birthday in the Minneapolis StarTribune.

I'm living in the cottage to the left of the larger building. Photo take from the bridge between the Arboretum and the campus of St. John's University.

Finding a Public Voice: At Homecoming

Seth Godin says that you can tell whether or not you have a tribe by discovering they miss you when you don’t show up. I didn’t post last Wednesday, and I didn’t send out a Magical Memoir Moment on Thursday. You probably thought I was just contemplating life beside the lake. Or watching the mist…