Magical Memoir Moments

Family Aphorisms: A Memoir Legacy of Advice

Did you cotton to the advice of Ma and Pa in your youth? Or did you roll your eyes? One source of memoir in almost every life consists of the aphorisms — the boiled down wisdom or witticism — passed on by previous generations. The pattern of youth is to disdain these. The pattern of…


Who Else Wants Simplicity? April Yamasaki's Sacred Pauses Offers a Way

We all know about the value of silence, taking breaks, and breathing deeply. We know we’re supposed to do these things. But then we get completely involved in our work. And we forget. April Yamasaki, a Mennonite minister from Abbottsford, British Columbia, has written a book to help us remember: Sacred Pauses: Spiritual Practices for…


Give Me a Few Minutes, and I'll Get You Started With Memoir

That creative and persistent daughter of mine, Kate, keeps challenging me to do new things. We were looking at the result of the survey we sent to the people who have signed up (right hand side above) for my e-booklet and weekly emails. They told us that they want to write their stories but that…


The Girl Who Opened Up My World: A Birthday Tribute to Vicky

Before Vicky died at age 35, she changed my life. In 1954, when I was six years old, almost everyone I knew was either a farmer or a Mennonite or both. Then Vicky Martinez blew into my life — all the way from Manhattan! She stayed with us for two weeks. Vicky was like me….


Celebrating a Year Since Launching a Website: A WordPress Report

Last January 17, with help from my daughter Kate and the good folks at PlumbMedia, I launched the website that houses this blog. So today, on the exact anniversary of that date, I am pleased to share the summary of the year as WordPress described it for me. According to blogging guru Derek Halpern there…


A Pork 'n Sauerkraut New Year: Happy Birthday, Stuart!

At our house, the holiday season begins with Christmas and ends on January 11. Why January 11? That’s my husband Stuart’s birthday. We don’t clear out the wrapping paper and bows until Jan. 12. Our serious efforts to go back to low-carb eating only starts after that date also. This year, Stuart discovered a tradition…


Ten Steps to Doing a Book Cover Reveal: How to Build Community as You Prepare Your Book Launch

During the holidays, when my tech-savvy adult children were visiting us, we had a blast with an event called a Cover Reveal. It brought my publisher, my audience, and me together for the first time in a formal way. So, using the holiday theme, I’ve concocted a recipe for the event to share with you….


Starting Off 2013 with a Contemplative Bang

Let me introduce you to Theresa. She’s kind, spunky, creative, and playful. Can’t you just see all of these things in her face? She’s also a mom and a very savvy business woman who takes her faith seriously. We met two years ago at a conference and have kept in touch online. Theresa describes herself…


The First Peak at Blush: Cover Reveal Coming This Friday

Did you know my book-to-be book has fans? I’m blushing here, because I didn’t give them this name, but that’s what Facebook calls the special pages you “like,” in contrast to the personal pages where you “friend” each other. I place blog posts on my website and on the Shirley Hershey Showalter page. The page…


Comfort and Joy, Christmas and Food: An Unusual Mennonite Story

Today’s Christmas Eve guest post comes from Kathleen Foster Friesen, no stranger to these pages. Kathleen commented on a thread on my Facebook writer’s page several weeks ago, and I asked her to tell her family holiday food tradition story here. So, from Kathleen and from me, Merry Christmas, curry style! And if you celebrate…