Magical Memoir Moments
Unreliable Truth: On Memoir and Memory by Maureen Murdock
One of the wise women I am honored to have in my life, Angeles Arrien, recommended this book to me. I found the book thoughtful and provocative, a wonderful distillation of many years of reflection both on the author’s personal story but also on the process of living, reflecting, writing, and transforming. Reading this book,…
A Second Workshop on Spiritual Autobiography
Tomorrow I lead a small group of colleagues in a workshop much like the one I taught at my church several months ago. I will again use the Marilyn Chandler McEntyre’s essay published in Weavings. But this time I will also talk a little about Tristine Rainer’s book,Your Life as Story, which I am enjoying…
Eat, Pray, Love–A Spiritual Memoir for Thanksgiving?
My husband Stuart and I have just worked together to make two pumpkin pies, two apple pies, and broccoli, curry cheese soup. We are waiting for our daughter Kate and her boyfriend Nik to arrive from Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving weekend. It seems fitting–maybe it was all that cooking–that this would be the night to write…
Memoir(and): Should You Subscribe?
I seldom read every article in a magazine that comes to my house. Without time for hours of reading every day, I do a lot of skimming instead of deep reading. I wish it were not so. However, with a long trip ahead and a little determination due to having chosen to make the new…
Memoir Joke–From Bill Maher
“Couple of problems [for Bush] . He hasn’t been offered as much money as he thinks he deserves for his memoirs, and when they asked him to write an autobiography, he said, ‘I don’t really know that much about cars.’” -Bill Maher
Willa Cather: A Pictorial Memoir
Since Willa Cather is one of my favorite writers, it will not surprise anyone who knows me well that one of my most beloved books is Willa Cather: A Pictorial Memoir. The book was published 35 years ago and is still in print. Bernice Slote, Cather scholar from the University of Nebraska, wrote the text,…
Joe the Plumber Fulfills Prediction
As soon as Joe the Plumber erupted onto the political stage, it was inevitable the he, too, would become a memoirist. At least, he has signed a book deal, something I predicted on October 18 here. Of course, he is not really writing his own memoir. You can see what the BBC said here. And…
Coming Home to Roost
In a previous post called Blogging and the Memoir Community I promised to review DeWitt Henry’s memoir called Safe Suicide because he was the first published author who found me through this blog. Here goes, DeWitt. Hope you come back to read this little review. Safe Suicide has an internal subtitle which describes its structure…
Do You Know Your Own Geology?
Today one of my colleagues at the Fetzer Institute, Dr. Joel Elkes, celebrates his 95th birthday. No, that is not a typo. He was born in 1913, lived through two World Wars and a century of struggle. He was a student in England in the 30’s and 40’s and thus escaped the Holocaust, though many…
Laura Bush Will Bring Home the Memoir Bacon
Last week I felt sorry for George W. Bush, who, unlike his predecessor Bill Clinton, was not offered a $12 million advance for his memoirs. In fact, he was encouraged not to write them at all–yet. Today The Huffington Post carries the high contrast story that Laura Bush is receiving potential publishers for her own…