Magical Memoir Moments

Home for the Holidays Part II: The Soundtrack of the Journey

Our moving day was Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2010. We left Kalamazoo, MI, around 4 p.m. after the two moving vans had already headed east. Our first stop was with Stuart’s brother Hollis and his wife Marty in Ann Arbor. They toasted our transition with a champagne dinner. In the morning after a quick breakfast, they…


Things Seen: A Review of Annie Ernaux's Book from Lanie Tankard

My thoughtful friend Lanie Tankard, knowing that I was in the midst of that wrenching process known as moving, sent me another delicious review. I loved the idea of books as food that she borrows from Annie Ernaux. Her description of this book as an amuse- bouche was perfect, don’t you think? Hope it makes…


Home for the Holidays: A New Mini-Memoir Blog Series

After I left the Fetzer Institute this summer, both Stuart and I began to feel an eastward tug. Our life together has followed this path: VA, TX, IN, Haiti, IN,VA, IN, Ivory Coast, IN, NC, IN, MI, VA. Love has taken us to a circle of new places, and now love calls us home. Forty-four years…


The Nature of Creative Transformation: Three Views on Video

Michael Jones, Lauren Artress, and Jen Louden discuss the nature of transformation–and its relationship to art and the artist. Do you think everyone is creative? What do you do allow your creative side to flourish?


What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up? Kind!

Poet and master teacher Jack Ridl tells a story about an encounter with a boss that shaped his whole life. Again, from the 2010 Writer’s Retreat at the Fetzer Institute. The Dalai Lama has said, “My religion is kindness.” A few years ago, I wrote an essay about the desire of a young Amish boy…


Creative Beginnings Video with Michael Jones and Conrad Hilberry: From A Head Nodder

For Canadian pianist and writer Michael Jones, one of the participants in the April 2010 writer’s retreat at the Fetzer Institute, music and words brought him joy from an early age. Kalamazoo College professor emeritus Conrad Hilberry developed his artistic talents a little later in life. This video reminds me that one can listen deeply…


Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project: A Review

On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you? Honestly. Right now. Most people rate themselves as happy–as 7’s. In a 2006 survey 84 percent of Americans ranked themselves as ‘very happy’ or ‘pretty happy.’” If your number is anything lower than 10, you can benefit from reading The Happiness Project. And even if it…


Paulus Berensohn: Why We Create

Paulus Behrenson was another remarkable participant in last April’s Writer’s Retreat at the Fetzer Institute. He has created within so many art forms, he may have lost track of some of them. He’s not counting, anyway. But he’s an ecologist, potter, poet, dancer, and philosopher. He was interviewed on ABC in 2003. I highly recommend…


A Memoir Poem for Late November

Poetry is the genre I feel least comfortable attempting. Most of the poems I’ve written deserve their ignominious fate in manilla folders. I write them most often to sustain a contemplative mood or moment. Here’s one inspired by thinking of my daughter Kate and some of her favorite things this time of year. Apologies to…


Patti Smith Memoir Wins National Book Award: Read Lanie Tankard's Beautiful Review

Yea, Patti Smith, winner of the National Book Award in nonfiction for her memoir, Just Kids! Yea Women’s Memoirs! Yea, Lanie Tankard! Women’s Memoirs is a great place for readers and writers of memoir. I have featured the work of Matilda Butler and Kendra Bonnett, who maintain this great site, in past posts. We share a fabulous guest reviewer–Lanie Tankard (see…