Magical Memoir Moments

In Praise of Sonia Sanchez: Living a Haiku Life

Poet Sonia Sanchez has never written a book called a memoir. But her work flows directly from her life. It’s not about her, however. She calls her “I” the “collective I” which is also a “collective eye” searching for justice and love in a world too often unjust and hate-and fear-full. Thanks to an invitation from…


Leaving the Hall Light On: A Mother's Memoir of Living with Her Son's Bipolar Disorder and Surviving His Suicide: A Review

A Review of Madeline Sharples’ Leaving the Hall Light On. Lucky Press, LLC, 2011. by Guest Reviewer Dr. Jason M.Dew.  Madeline Sharples accomplishes in Leaving the Hall Light On what no mother or parent, for that matter, would ever want to accomplish: an eloquent, honest recounting of events before and after the suicide of her oldest…


Memoir First Lines–A Contest for Readers of this Blog

Recently I had an inquiry from a writer who asked if I had a list of excellent first lines from memoirs. That sounded like something I should have. First words contain the vital “hook” that overcomes the reader’s resistance and skepticism. Think about how you challenge a book to speak to you when you gaze…


Leon Fleisher's Memoir My Nine Lives: Reviewed by Beverly K. Lapp

Introducing Beverly K. Lapp, Associate Professor of Music at Goshen College. Bev came into my life first as a student at Goshen College, then as a faculty colleague. She writes as well as she plays piano and teaches–which is saying a lot. Enjoy her review below. Fleisher, L. & Midgette, A. (2010). My nine lives: A…


The Sound of Rain on a Corrugated Iron Roof: Another Lanie Tankard Review

Our popular guest blogger Lanie Tankard has reviewed a pre-publication copy of One Day I Will Write About This Place: A Memoir   by Binyavanga Wainaina Minneapolis, MN: Graywolf Press (July 19, 2011) Reviewed by Lanie Tankard Binyavanga Wainaina busts clichés about Africa in his memoir, One Day I Will Write About This Place, due…


Jack Kerouac–Gives a Great Rationale for 100Memoirs!

Today my friend Ruth Davis, an expert on all things related to Mac computers, shared a link to a Donna Baier Stein’s website called “Words, Spirit & You.” I loved it and actually “liked” the page after just one experience with it. Here’s today’s picture and the quote that goes with it. “I have been writing my…


Another Short Memoir Query Letter Critique Video–And a Lovely Shout Out from Marla Miller

Marla Miller has been helping writers “market the muse” for a long time. Now she is sharing her knowledge of the publishing industry via YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. Here’s a recent video featuring a memoir called Nadia. Imagine my surprise when I heard her mention in the introduction! Marla manages to offer some pointed…


Judith Barrington's Writing the Memoir: A Sophisticated Guide

Judith Barrington, memoirist and poet, has established a reputation as an excellent teacher and workshop leader. Her book Writing the Memoir: From Truth to Art has become a well-known text in academic courses. When more than two professors recommended the book, I decided to buy it. I’m glad I did. Barrington selects some of the…


Memory and Truth–Three Different Memoirs from One Family

You may have read about how Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs created dissension in his own family and in the family of Dr. Finch, the psychiatrist with whom Burroughs went to live at the age of 13. There have been law suits charging defamation of character and invasion of privacy. This book, which was…


More Memoir Lists! Take Some of These to the Beach this Summer!

If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you know that we collect lists of top memoirs from people who write or study memoir. Now that summer is breathing down our necks, we are beginning to see summer reading lists popping up like dandelions. The LA Times list was circulating on Twitter, and another…