Magical Memoir Moments
The Day Before Launch: Going Home to Lititz During Harvest.
Who says you can’t go home again? Reporter Sarah Chain certainly disagrees. The official launch will be held tomorrow night at Lititz Mennonite Church, 165 Front Street, Lititz, Pennsylvania. 7 p.m. If you live close by, please join us! We’ll have a party, and we’ll relive a little Lancaster Conference Mennonite Church history in the…
The Longhouse Project at the Hans Herr House: A Good Beginning
Like many Mennonites whose roots go back to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, I am a descendent of Hans Herr. The 1719 Hans Herr House, built in that year by Christian and Anna Herr, is the oldest surviving house in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and the oldest original Mennonite meeting house still standing in the Western Hemisphere. I…
Embrace the Blush! A New Book Trailer and A Look at the Other Side of the New Beginnings Screen
Those wonderful folks at MennoMedia called me up this week to announce that the book trailer for Blush: A Mennonite Girl Meets a Glittering World is finished! Writing the copy for this trailer forced me to think hard about two things: what I discovered what readers might discover I chose the phrase “embrace your blush”…
An Ode to Lancaster County Corn Harvest: And an Excerpt from Blush
Nothing symbolizes the abundance of summer like a load of fresh sweet corn. My childhood summer memories revolve around corn, which was not only the sweetest vegetable we grew but also the most communal. Here’s an excerpt from Blush: A Mennonite Girl Meets a Glittering World about what it was like to eat roastin’ ears…
Playing and Working: Launching a Book while Helping to Launch Children
If what you love to do most is learn, then your work can always be play. And if the book you make is about childhood, what better way to learn and work than to play with children? That’s what Stuart and I have been doing this week. Here are our two teachers and playmates. Meet…
Were Every Stalk on Earth a Quill: Hymn Singing As Transcendence
Did you grow up singing hymns in church? For me, almost nothing stirs my soul like a hymn, especially those sung in four parts with other singers who are listening carefully to each other. This love of music started early in my life. I wrote about learning to sing a cappella music in my memoir…
Halfway Home: Adding a New Prize to the 100 Day Challenge
Thanks to one of my most creative and generous online friends, Kathleen Foster Friesen, I can offer you a new icon for this journey we are taking together toward the launch of Blush: A Mennonite Girl Meets a Glittering World. Here’s the news on the 100 Day Challenge. To celebrate the half-way mark, the Bird-in-Hand…
Praising Herald Press: A Birthday Guest Post for Jane Friedman
I’m on my way out the door on my birthday. I’m celebrating in two locations today. First, there was breakfast at the Prince Street Cafe in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Then I discovered that I had a guest post over on Jane Friedman’s blog. So that was another reason to celebrate, and to share with you here….
It Takes a Village to Write a Memoir: Returning to Lititz, Pennsylvania, Cool Small Town
I grew up on a farm, but I come from a village. This village, commemorated on a plate that rests in my dining room: Today I write in praise of Lititz, Pennsylvania. I attended Warwick High School, worked at Stauffer’s Market, and attended Lititz Mennonite Church. Most of the drama of my teenage years…